International Joint Declaration for Palestine
Intensify actions and make the militant, mass movement in support to Palestinian struggle advance in an increasingly powerful way!
A new joint declaration for Palestine has launched and continues to have signatures and support in the world from Europe Asie Latin America Usa Australia China etc-
We call all parties and organisations for supporting and signature
This JD calls for an international week of action for 7th october (7-13 october)
Intensify actions and make the militant, mass movement in support to Palestinian struggle advance in an increasingly powerful way!
More than 11 months have passed since the beginning of the criminal offensive by the terrorist state of Israel against the Palestinian people. More 40,000 Palestinians have been murdered, including women and children, and more 100,000 have been injured.
The Zionists have forced more than a million Palestinians to move towards the south of Gaza during their bombings, massacres and invasions. Without a doubt the Zionist genocides are carrying out an operation to occupy the south of the Gaza Strip. The Zionists want to annihilate the Palestinian people, take over their territory and resources, trying to push the Palestinians into the Sinai desert in Egypt, an old plan of forced displacement that leaves the path clear for the ultimate occupation of the entire territory of Palestine.
Rafah, south of Gaza, became a refuge for Palestinians, concentrating nearly one and a half million people in a small area, where they live under bombings while Israeli forces prevent humanitarian aid from arriving.
This exacerbates the humanitarian crisis as the Palestinian population in Rafah is suffering from infectious diseases caused by the lack of drinking water, lack of hygiene facilities, food insecurity, lack of hospitals and shelters in good condition as results of the continuous offensive of the Zionists. Many children who die not only under the bombs but because the lack of care and food. According to reports from a UN health agency itself, approximately 80% of Palestinian children under the age of 5 are unable to eat every day.
This combines with the Zionists’ attempt to also morally attack the Palestinian people with violent acts beyond the massacre of civilians. The premeditated destruction of temples, houses, schools, universities, hospitals, combined with the deprivation of water and energy, fiercely hits the lives of Palestinians, destroys hopes, exposes them to slow death.
Hospital sieges violate the fundamental rules of war, causing severe effects by destroying infrastructure to care for the sick and wounded, murdering medical personnel and besieging nearby areas. The Palestinian people have to suffer soldiers of the Zionist forces who mock and scorn their sorrow, dance on the ruins of their homes and grab despicable scenes to glorify their actions, added to grotesque TV spots. Their videos on social media are full of anti-Palestinian speeches, combined with racist statements by the Israeli rulers and violent education of children, teaching them to hate Palestinians from childhood.
The genocide against the Palestinian people is not just the work of Israeli Zionism. The imperialist states that provide support are responsible, especially the United States, Great Britain with other European imperialist governments, Germany, France, Italy, etc. as accomplices.
The US imperialists unconditionally support their watchdog in the Middle East. They use their veto power in the UN Security Council to block any measure for peace initiative, they send weapons and money to the Zionists to strengthen their military power, and recently, with a move that many consider historic, the US Congress has approved a bill to sanction the International Criminal Court for having ordered the arrest of Zionist political leaders.
Facing of all this, the Palestinian people and the organizations of their Resistance provide a heroic resistance in the given conditions, continuing to deal blows to the troops of occupation and genocidal invasion. We express our maximum support for this Resistance.
The genocide against the Palestinian people sparked international solidarity which has never stopped since October. The proletarians and peoples of the world have kept the cause of the liberation of Palestine high, condemning the ferocious Zionist offensive.
Withstanding the repression by the reactionary states, the masses held meetings and large demonstrations, demanding a stop to the aggression, developing a boycott of Israeli companies and those that support the Zionists, demanding the breaking of relations and treaties with Israel; up to the extraordinary development in recent months of the student movement which has set fire to the universities, the streets, from the US to Europe and throughout the world, recalling the movement of solidarity with the cause of the Vietnamese people of the 60s and 70s.
Under pressure from the masses, some governments have broken their relationships with Israel and some international bodies have been forced to take legal action. The International Court of Justice has accepted the request presented by South Africa and supported by other states ordering the Zionists to immediately cease military operations against the Gaza Strip. The International Criminal Court has issued arrest orders against Minister Netanyahu and his Defense Minister, Gallant. But, at the same time, they ordered the detention of Hamas leaders. The latter shows the bourgeois character of the ICC in equating the violence of the oppressors and that of the oppressed.
Faced with this situation, it is now more necessary than ever to intensify actions and make the mass militant movement in support of the Palestinian cause advance in an increasingly powerful way. Popular pressure must rise to solidarity strikes, to increasingly harsh actions against governments that support Israel and Israeli Embassies in every corner of the world.
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist parties and organizations must play an increasingly front-line role in this movement, around shared mass demands:
demand that Israeli troops abandon the Gaza Strip and the West Bank;
demand that the imperialist troops abandon the region and cease their military actions in the Middle East in support of the state of Israel and against the forces in solidarity with the Palestinian people, in the Red Sea, in Lebanon, etc.;
demand the severing of diplomatic, commercial and military relations with Israel;
demand that Zionist rulers be tried for war crimes and genocide.
At the same time, in the demonstrations of solidarity with the people of Palestine and condemning the Zionist genocide, we call that there should also be a denunciation of the action carried out in India by the fascist Hindutva state of Modi, great supporter of Netanyahu’s government, backed by US imperialism, against the indigenous, tribal peoples in that country. A genocidal campaign, called ‘Operation Kagaar’, in the midst of which massacres and forced deportations are perpetrated, civilians and leaders of tribal peoples, social activists and revolutionary leaders are murdered; just as journalists and human rights defenders who oppose are persecuted. An operation that aims to suffocate the liberation struggle of the Indian masses, the anti-imperialist people’s war of the masses.
The workers and peoples of the world must support the resistance and the war of national liberation of the Palestinian people, within the struggle for the definitive liberation of the peoples from capitalist, imperialist exploitation and oppression, which will be possible with the triumph of the revolutions in every country and the advance of the world proletarian revolution, to unroot every form of oppression and exploitation from the face of the earth.
Proletarians and peoples of the world let’s unite against imperialism!
Long live the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people!
Free Palestine!
list open of signatures
International Commitee Support People’s War India
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML)*
Communist Worker Union (mlm) Colombia
Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia
Maoist Communist Party – Italy
Proletarian Party Of Purbo Bangla(PBSP)/Bangladesh*
Red Road of Iran (Maoist group)
Revolutionary Study Group (USA)
Revolutionary Communist Party of Uruguay
Chinese Proletarian Alliance Communist Party*
Partito Marxista-Leninista İtaliano
Russian Maoist Party
Reagrupacıón Proletarıa De Perú
Communist Committee – Brazil
for text and signature write to
ICSPWI [email protected]
Lal Salaam
*with note
Turkısh: https://www.tkpml.com/filistin-icin-uluslararasi-ortak-deklarasyon/?swcfpc=1