Let history tells us about the glorious achievements of male revolutionaries, we know that; who wrote their own history and resistance; there are women who sings their own anthems. Just like Aynur and Ceren… They are two women, two commanders who have achieved glorious achievements of “unknown”, “unseen”, who didn’t hesitate to sacrifice their lives in what they believe.
The commander of the women’s liberation struggle became the voice and colour of resistance to fascism, patriarchy and all kinds of reactionism in every area of Rojava. When the Turkish fascism turned Rojava into hell under the leadership of imperialism, comrade Ceren, a member of the Central Committee of the DKP/Birlik (Revolutionary Communard Party/ Union), who didn’t refrain from any revolutionary actions, determined her ranks without hesitation. She rejected all he careers, and opportunities offered to her.
“All the institutions of fascism, rapists, enemies of women; you are on our target! We will walk with Aynur’s courage” with these sentences we have heard that comrade Aynur was martyred, who ran from trench to trench without discrimination of duty and she was written as a commander who enlightened our way in the struggle for women’s freedom as a member of DKP/BÖG (Revolutionary Communard Party / United Freedom Forces) central committee member and commander of KÖG (Women’s Freedom Forces).
We will not only remember her as BÖG fighter, but with infinite revolutionary solidarity, and we will always commemorate her in our struggle. As comrade Aynur said “We will defend this land without any organizational concern, even sharing our arms and legs”, who proved her position in the struggle, she will live in our struggle as a commander, fearless warrior and comrade…
Aynur Ada is Immortal!
Ceren Güneş is Immortal!
No Forgetting! No Postponement! Never Give Up!
TKP-ML Communist Women’s Union
10 November 2019
Turkısh: https://www.tkpml.com/tkp-ml-komunist-kadinlar-birligi-direnise-renk-veren-iki-komutan-aynur-ve-ceren/