Message of solidarity and congratulations to the TKP-ML on their second congress

Message of solidarity and congratulations to the TKP-ML on their second congress


Central Committee

Communist Party of the Philippines

December 2024

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its warmest revolutionary greetings and congratulations on the successful convening of your Second Congress. That you have held this important milestone amid the relentless attacks of the reactionary Turkish state demonstrates the courage and resilience of the Turkish and Kurdish proletariat and people in advancing their struggle for national and social liberation.

We commend your insightful analysis of the specific conditions of the people’s war in Turkey and your resolve to adapt the universal principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the objective conditions of your country. This approach echoes the Philippine revolutionary movement’s experience in developing the people’s war in the context of an archipelagic and mountainous country. Just as we have had to address the peculiarities of Philippine society—marked by a semi-feudal agrarian base, bureaucrat capitalism, and the big comprador bourgeoisie bolstered by US imperialism—you face the task of confronting a reactionary state rooted in the specific conditions of your own country. These shared struggles bind us in the fight against similar forces of oppression and exploitation that plague the working classes and peasantry in our countries.

In the Philippines, our analysis of society as semicolonial and semifeudal has guided us in formulating a strategy that takes into account the vast majority of the population being peasants and workers. This understanding has enabled us to pursue the path of protracted people’s war, wherein we build Red political power by encircling the cities from the countryside and systematically weakening the enemy’s grip on power. It is through this approach that we aim to achieve national and social liberation, forging the kernels of socialist power through the correct combination of agrarian revolution, armed struggle and mass base building.

The CPP is currently undergoing its third rectification movement aimed at addressing and correcting the errors of subjectivism, bureaucratism, and conservatism that have hindered our progress in recent years. Through this rectification movement, the revolutionary forces in the Philippines are conducting a thorough review of past practices, critiquing weaknesses, and reaffirming the principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. This process of rectification enables us to course-correct and sharpen our strategy and tactics in waging the people’s war. In the spirit of proletarian internationalism, the CPP offers its solidarity and experience, confident that through mutual support, we can advance to greater victories in the struggle for national and social liberation in our respective countries.

We commend the TKP-ML for its dedication to studying the concrete conditions of Turkish society and summing up the party’s rich experiences in the revolutionary struggle. This steadfast commitment to learning from practice is a hallmark of strong proletarian parties. It ensures that the party remains firmly rooted in the masses while continually refining its strategy and tactics to address the ever-evolving conditions of class struggle. Such scientific rigor and revolutionary determination give us confidence that the TKP-ML will continue to advance along the correct path and overcome challenges as it leads the Turkish proletariat and people toward national and social liberation.

The CPP likewise expresses its full agreement with your emphasis on mobilizing women as an integral and indispensable force in the people’s democratic revolution. Women hold up half the sky, and their active participation in all aspects of revolutionary work is vital to dismantling not only the exploitative class system but also the patriarchal structures that oppress women. Your efforts to inspire and organize women to take their place at the forefront of the revolution set a powerful example for all revolutionary movements.

We also honor the martyrs and heroes of your revolution—the valiant comrades who have selflessly given their lives in service of the people and the cause of liberation. Their sacrifices strengthen our resolve to continue to struggle, reminding us that the victory of the people’s war is built on the collective courage and dedication of those who dare to fight and serve.

The parallels in our struggles further strengthen the fraternal ties between the Turkish and Philippine revolutionary movements. Both of us confront ruling systems that serve foreign imperialist interests, crush dissent through fascist state terror, and perpetuate inequality. Both of us draw our strength from the masses, who are the lifeblood of the revolution, and commit to waging people’s war as the path toward genuine democracy, social justice, and socialism.

The CPP reaffirms its solidarity with your revolutionary movement and the aspirations of your people. Your victories, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment inspire us and all revolutionary movements worldwide to persevere in the fight for a future free from oppression and exploitation.

