Dear comrades in TKP-ML,
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of TKP-ML we express our full solidarity with TKP-ML and send our revolutionary communist greetings.
50 years of Revolutionary struggles
50 years of sacrifices of torture, emprisonement and martyrdom.
And still your struggle is continuous.
Your struggle for socialism and liberation is part of our struggle and a common path that we have to continue together.
In the currentl situation in the world characterized by war and the intensification of the capitalist crisis and aggravation of the imperialist attacks against the oppressed peoples and workers in all over the world, the struggles of the communists and the communist parties is of paramout importance.
That’s why we should continue building our parties to get ready in the best manner to wage the revolutionary war against imperialism, fashism, sionism and reactionary regimes.
Long live Marxism Leninism!
Long live communism!
Long live TKP-ML!
PPDS Tunisia