Glory to Our Party’s 50th War Year
Half a century has passed since our party TKP-ML was founded by our leading comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya. We celebrate the 50th anniversary of TKP-ML and our People’s Army, TİKKO, which were established on April 24, 1972, with all our enthusiasm and excitement, and on this occasion we reiterate our will and determination to expand the people’s war. Today, as his followers, we continue to advance the guerrilla war started in Turkish Kurdistan by the leader Comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, who said that our party can only develop through war, with the same persistence and determination.
From the very beginning, our party TKP-ML has made it clear that the revolution will only take place through armed struggle and that this struggle is a People’s War Strategy specific to our country. During the last half century, our forces have struck the enemy with countless actions and resistance in the guerrilla warfare they have developed both in the countryside and in the cities. Hundreds of our comrades were immortalized for the victory of the revolution, became veterans, and tens of thousands of our comrades were imprisoned in the dungeons of fascism.
On its 50th anniversary, our party has shown that with its cadres, militants and all its armed structures, it did not break away from the armed struggle and guerrilla war for even a second, and did not take a step back, despite all its ups and downs. In this respect, the seeds that Comrade Kaypakkaya sowed while founding our party have kept in these lands and are waiting to grow.
Our conference, which we held in the 50th year of our party with the slogan of ”Deepen the People’s War for the Victory of the Revolution, Become Experts of Guerrilla” as the people’s army, stands at a historically important place in terms of embodying our promise and practice to expand the people’s war.
April 24th, the anniversary of the founding of our party, is also the date when the Armenians as well as the Assyrian, Syriac and Chaldean peoples were subjected to genocide. The continuation of the genocide, which started with İttihat-Teraki, has reached its highest level today with the fascist AKP-MHP alliance against Turkey and Turkey Kurdistan, Rojava and finally the Medya Defense Areas. The fascist Turkish state encountered the epic resistance of the guerrilla in the attacks launched in the Zap, Metina and Avaşin regions with the cooperation of the KDP. At the same time, the Turkish Republic continues to increase its attacks, especially against Rojava, and continues its attacks of destruction on the people of Rojava from the Kurdish, Arab, Armenian, Assyrian, Syriac and Chaldean nationalities and the destruction attacks against the cadres of the revolution without slowing down. Due to the fact that the guerrilla is the guarantee of freedom, the attacks of the enemy against the guerrilla, freedom fighters and oppressed working people are not in vain.
The revolt and anger of our people, who have become even more impoverished with the economic crisis in Turkey and Turkey Kurdistan, has increased even more. Attacks against women and LGBTI+ people have multiplied. Oppression, torture and massacres against political prisoners in prisons have come to light.
Our party is entering its 50th year with the intense attacks of fascism and the growing revolt of our people in the face of these attacks and the epic resistance of the guerrilla.
We, as the people’s army guerrillas led by the Proletariat Party, reiterate our promise that we will enter a process worthy of our Party’s 50th anniversary by actively participating in the resistances in the mountains and in the cities against the attacks of the fascist Turkish state.
We act in the light of the perspective put before us by our comrade Leader, that our Party will only develop during the war. We celebrate and greet the 50th anniversary of our people, our immortals and all our comrades, with the determination to develop the people’s war and to carry our half-century-old guerrilla struggle even further.
Glory to our Party’s 50th Fight Anniversary!
Glory to Comrade Leader Kaypakkaya, the creator of our cause, and to our martyrs who are his followers!
Long Live Our Party TKP-ML, Our People’s Army TİKKO, Our Youth Organization TMLGB
Long live our Women’s Organization KKB!
Long live the People’s War!
TKP-ML TİKKO General Command
April 22, 2022
Turkısh: https://www.tkpml.com/tkp-ml-tikko-genel-komutanligi-san-olsun-partimizin-50-savas-yilina/?swcfpc=1