Let’s boycott reactionary local elections!
Let’s prepare for the new democratic revolution!
Respected masses of the people,
There have been many people’s movements, struggles, and ten-year people’s war for the establishment of new democratic state power against the present comprador and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudal state power and system. A large number of people’s children have been martyred in these struggles. Many have been disappeared by the state, many wounded and maimed. However, due to reactionary conspiracies, deception, and betrayal of opportunists, those struggles could not succeed and the dream of people’s liberation remained unfulfilled. Even in recent years, various anti-people governments have resorted to repression instead of listening to the voices of the masses who have been fighting for national independence, democracy, and livelihood. On account of all these facts and realities, our party has decided to boycott the local elections, which are being held on May 13, 2022.
Why the boycott of local elections? Because:
- It has historically become necessary to continue the struggle for the establishment of the federal people’s republic of Nepal against and as an alternative to the current reactionary state power and system,
- Corruption of Singha Durbar has reached the local level,
- The entire state power is still centralized, masses of the people are not given rights and autonomy in all areas like forests, herbs, land relations, rivers, minerals, development, and construction,
- As in previous elections, the reactionary, opportunist, and corrupt elements seem to flood money in this election as well,
- It has become clear that the ruling party and the aspiring elements and parties seem to abuse the resources excessively,
- There is no possibility of a clean and fair election,
- It has become very much necessary to expose further the reactionary and the communist-named right-revisionist elements that ratified the traitorous MCC compact from the parliament,
- The state power has still sustained with the force of the bureaucracy, though the present executive, the legislature, and the judiciary are failing,
Our party considers it very correct and appropriate to actively boycott the anti-people local elections.
Change-loving masses,
The problems of national independence, democracy, and people’s livelihood are becoming even more severe and dreadful. The state authorities have remained silent on the interference and encroachment the Indian expansionism has made in the Nepalese territories, including Limpiyadhura, Kalapani, Lipulek, and Susta. No attention has been paid to the democratic rights and livelihood problems of workers, farmers, women, Dalits, indigenous nationalities, Madhesis, Muslims, and the people of backward areas. Inflation is on the rise. The country’s economy is in the grip of imperialist neoliberalism and Indian expansionism. In this situation, it has become necessary to continue the struggle for the interest, liberation, and right of the people and the country.
Therefore, our party humbly appeals to the entire masses of the people to forcefully boycott the upcoming local elections on May 13, 2022, and to make the boycott movement a grand success.
Our slogans:
Let’s boycott the so-called local elections!
Repeal the traitorous MCC compact!
Let’s liberate lands, including Kalapani encroached by India!
Let’s establish the Federal People’s Republic!
Long live New Democratic Revolution!
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Down with reactionary state power and system!
Down with Indian expansionism, imperialism, right revisionism!
Red salute to Heroic Martyrs!
Long Live CPN (Revolutionary Maoist)!
Date: 2022 March 27
Central Committee
Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist)