Central Committee
Press Release
November 19 2021
Red Salutes to Comrade Deepak da, Com.Mahesh, Com.Lokesh, Com. Dileep and others who fought courageously in Mardhitola Forest in Gadchiroli District of Maharastra!
Make success the Band in the Central Region on November 27″in Memory of these people’s fighters!
Dear People,
November 13th 2021, is a most sorrowful day ih the revolutionary history of Gadchiroli District of Maharastra. On that day, the most dreadful encounter took place on Maharastra Chattisgarh border area of Danora tehsiI within the limits of Garapatti PS of Mardhitola forest, in which Comrade Deepak (Milind Bapurao Teitumde), a beloved leader, our Central Committee member including 26 Comrades martyred in that fight. The Central Committee is paving red homage with great respect to those beloved leaders and warriors who sacrified their lives for the cause of people, We are taking pledge that the fighting shall continue up to the last with dedication and determination. We are sending condolence and sharing the gloom with the friends and family members of Milind Teltumde and other comrades. We also appealing to friends and family members who are in deep sorrow should emulate spirit from those martyrs and stand with courage and carry forward the ideals.
In 1966, Comrade Milind Teltumde was born iti Rajoor village of Vani tehcil of Yavatamaal District in Maharastra. He was born as a 7th child of Mr.Bapurao and Anasuya who were poor workers. After completion of his high school education, he took fitter training in ITI First he worked in Ballarpur Paper mill. after that, he worked western coal fields. During that period, he emerged as a trade union leader through salving workers problems by some militant struggles. In that way, in 1982 he came close contact with CPI(ML) Peoples War. He became professional revolutionary in 1992 and strengthened with revolutionary politics. In 2000 he was elected as a state committee member in the conference, after having rich experience in trade union movement, he organized Workers, Students and Youth meticulously in towns which are the strong holds of the enemy. in the period of 2005. he played a key role in developing Chandrapur as a strong base for Workers, Students and Youth movements. in 2008 he transferred to rural area (guerilla zone) with another responsibility. Between 2008-2021, he led the Indian revolutionary movement with additional responsibilities.
He organized the adivasi people with revolutionary politics and developed the mass movement in Korchi tehcil against government sponsored mining in Agri, Maseli of Gadchiroli District and demanding the peoples power on water, forest and land. He played key role in developing a Mass movement against a project planned by the government miffing in 40 thousand acres in 25 different places of Gadchiroli district: Due to some other reasons the movement weakened after 2010.
In 2013, Comrade Milind Teltumde was elected into Central Committee. in 2016 he took the responsibility of reviving the Maharastra movement by giving direct guidance to the newly formed MMC with utmost care. In 2021, he attended the Central Committee meet, and played active role in finalizing documents. He played a key rote in correcting the concept about the positive role of Baba Saheb Ambedker in annihilation of Caste, The Hindutva fascist forces led by Narendra Modi-Amith Shaw clique, for the last four years propagating maliciously against Anand Teltumde a great intellectual and Deepak’s elder brother. The fascist Modi government clamped false cases of concocted stories like conspiracy to murder Narendra Modi and to create clashes in Bhema Koregoan like that. The fascist forces since 2014 attacking the culture and traditions of Dalits, Adivasis and minorities. Prominent intellectuals like Anand Teltumde and others stood in favor of these poor people, because of that so many prominent persons including the Anand Teltumde were kept in jail. In the same way these brutal killer gangs targeting Milind Teltumde, the real Hero for the cause of working class, Dalits and down trodden people, has been targeting Since 2014. On the direction these killer gangs, on November 13 the mercenaries attacked upon our comrades with sophisticated weapons, which lasted 10 hours and finally, the Indian revolution lost beloved leader and warriors. Comrade Milind Teltumde, as a vanguard of Indian proletariat fought for the cause of people with great dedication and Sacrified his life for the liberation of this country. For the last 8 years Com.Bagath gave protection with highest caliber and Com.Yogitha who helped grately to Com.Milind in computer work were also sacrified their lives for cause of people.
Comrade Milind had experience of different fields and a senior warrior, today it is more necessary to fight against the Brahmanical Hindutva fascist forces who are selling the country to the imperialists and unleashing terror on the people. It is also necessary to unite working class, Peasants, Students, Dalit and Adivasis Organizationally. Politically, Culturally and Militarily. In present conditions, the Indian revolution is demanding Comrade Milind like warriors from the youth, Students and working class. He was beloved leader of the cadre and people which had immense confidence upon cadre and people. Once again we are taking pledge will bring so many Milinds from Dalits. Workers and Students, for that we should strive hard with great courage.
All the Comrades who accompanied and protected the Comrade Milind upto last and sacrified their precious lives for the cause of revolution which all those guerilla fighters are memorable. The company commander Comrade Mahesh, Company party Committee member Com, Dileep, Kasansoor squad Commander Com.Sannu, Platoon Party Committee member Com.Pramod, Korchi squad Commander Com.Kishanu action team members Com.Prakash (Bandu), Company members Kosa Lachu were martyred in this incident. Hundreds of Commando forces with so many batches surrounded the red fighters. Despite that our Comrades without losing courage and confidence gave a bitter fight and injured some Commandos. By doing that, they became ideal revolutionaries for the next generation. The Central Committee paying red homage with care and attention to those heroes their sacrifices are not futile. We are taking pledge with enhanced consciousness striving hard to fulfill those ideals.
The blood thirsty and war mongering fascist ruling classes with the help of imperialists are increasing the repression year by year on our movement and people. Recently in September they made cruel genocidal plan the name of Prahar-3 to implement in the Maoist movement areas. But for the last 50 years the revolutionary movement is advancing and giving confidence in the minds of people by countering so many barbarious genocidal operations. Our leadership, Cadre, revolutionary organizations enriched with great experience stood firm in this struggle. Now, the occasion demanding more determination, more courage to counter and defeat Brahmanical Hindutva fascist forces. Today, our beloved Central Committee Comrades Ramanna, Chintan da, Haribushan, Amber da, Saketh and Milind Teltumde who got rich versatile experience in the movement are no more. But we got their experience, their ideals, sacrifices as a revolutionary heredity in our movement, these things shall give a new way to advance. in spite of having so many hindrances, setbacks and difficulties, it will instill confidence and glitter the revolutionary way to the final victory. The people definitely join the glittering revolutionary way and advance up to the last. So, the Central Committee is calling the entire revolutionary camp will stand firmly courageously and advance joining with new forces and fight dynamic with enhanced energy.
Let us fight bitterly. People are victorious.
Make success the Band on November 27th in memory of Mardhitola martyrs in the Central region (Maharastra, Chattisgarh, Telangana, Andhrapradesh, Odissa).
Revolutionary Mass fronts party units, PLGA units, will join with the Masses, make rallies and uphold the ideals of martyrs.
Long live CPI (Maoist)
Central Committee
CPI (Maoist)