Remembering Şehîd Tekoşer Piling
Lorenzo Orsetti or Tekoşer Piling, as he was known in Rojava, joined in September 2017 the fight against the Islamic State and the Turkish forces in Afrin.
Şehîd Tekoşer shared collective life and struggle with other comrades. As we shared food, rooms, noqte, we also shared war, fight, conflicts, difficulties, reconciliation and humanity. Being comrade is not easy. Sometimes it is merciless and unbearably difficult, and we learned this together with şehîd Tekoşer.
Lorenzo in his revolutionary life ended up taking part in civil war on the side of revolutionaries that defended the liberatory changes in society. He gave his life in the fight together with other comrades.
As he shared the fight and life with the comrades, he finally shared death with comrades as well. No, we do not struggle for martyrdom and instead we struggle for life. However, it is worthwhile to die for things which are worthwhile to live for. It became a standard of militant struggle which we comitted ourselves to. Fighting for life together is not comparable to other ways we can relate together in revolutionary life. There was still so much color, so much depth, so much beauty in revolutionary life, which we were supposed to discover together. Now our comrade is dead. But he is together with us in our hearts. And right there in our hearts Lorenzo will go all the way and we will carry him in us through the hardest of obstacles.
“Every storm starts with a single raindrop” – a famous quote from Lorenzo that inspires motivation, solidarity and hope in comrades. Much like his personality did during hardships and expected and unexpected diffculties that occurred in comrades’ lives in Rojava. Whether in his times at YPG, TiKKO, in Tekoşîna Anarşîst and in QSD units, Şehîd Tekoser would inspire hope in the most adverse situations.
Lorenzo’s heart was free therefore the land he stood on was a liberated territory. He defended it!
Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Çile 2021
Turkısh: https://www.tkpml.com/tekosina-anarsist-sehit-tekoser-pilingi-hatirlamak/