(Established: 24 April 1972)
Party Membership
a) Membership Conditions
Although priority is given to those whose class origin is workers and peasants, anyone who fulfils the following conditions can become a member of the TKP-ML. TKP-ML applies positive discrimination towards labouring women in recruitment.
1- Accepting the party programme and statute.
2- Working in a party committee.
3- To pay party dues regularly.
4– To be over 18 years old.
b) Membership Procedures
Party membership is on an individual basis. The person who wants to become a member notifies the party committee with which he is in contact in writing.
Membership application is finalised with the approval of the acceptance and rejection decision of the party committee, which includes at least three party members, by a higher committee.
The person whose membership application is accepted by the authorised committees is accepted as a Candidate Member from the date of application. In cases where the party committee in the relationship makes a proposal to the person to apply for membership and the person accepts, candidate membership starts from this date. The relevant Party committee is directly responsible for the development of the candidate member, preparation for membership and their implementation under strict supervision.
At the end of the six-month probationary membership period, the party committee to which the person is affiliated will decide on acceptance, rejection and extension of the probationary membership period for 6 months. The decision taken by the party committee must be approved by the CC. In case of a rejection decision, if there is no inconvenience for party security, the reason is notified to the person in writing.
After the congress decision is taken, the procedures for admission to membership and expulsion from membership are stopped. Candidate memberships and new applications during this process are evaluated at or after the congress.
c) Duties of the Member
1- To continuously raise his/her ideological-political level in order to improve himself/herself; to attach importance to reading, studying and research activities for this purpose. To comprehend and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as a guide to action. To combine theory and practice.
2- To examine all publications of the party with a careful, critical eye; to be aware of the policies and tactics of the leadership in line with the central orientation of the party.
3- To be vigilant, determined and relentless in the struggle against all kinds of factional work aimed at destroying the unity and communist character of the party; to be vigilant, determined and relentless in the struggle against all anti-Marxism-Leninism-Maoism thoughts and currents. Not to be intimidated even under conditions where it is in the minority, to have the courage to fight against the current.
4- To obey party discipline unconditionally, to play a grasping, creative and active role in the implementation of party decisions. To unconditionally accept the tasks assigned by the party.
5- To be a student first in order to become a teacher of the people. To apply the principle of public service in all areas of life. Participating in the spontaneous struggles of the people, trying to organise them and being at the forefront to give them a conscious direction. To try to solve difficulties together with the people, to make tireless efforts to make them understand party politics and the laws of class struggle.
6- To prioritise above all else the cause of the emancipation of the people, the struggle of the proletariat to achieve a classless society and the Communist Party, which leads these ideals. To have a consistent, humble, selfless and exemplary personality in life, social relations and behaviour. To live in accordance with communist principles and revolutionary values.
7- To struggle against the patriarchal system and to raise public awareness in this direction. To actively fight against gender discrimination and gender roles within the party and the masses.
8- To behave sincerely and honestly towards the party, comrades, the people and oneself. To be open, determined and courageous in criticism and self-criticism in order not to repeat mistakes, to eliminate deficiencies and overcome weaknesses. To use the weapon of criticism within the party and constructively.
9- Paying ten per cent of his/her income as party dues, working to protect and develop the party’s financial means meticulously. To record all expenditures and regularly submit them to the committee to which he is affiliated.
10- To report regularly to the committee to which he/she is affiliated about all his/her work.
11– To continue the class struggle even under conditions of imprisonment, to turn torture centres, prisons and courts into positions of resistance and propaganda areas of communism.
12– Strictly adhering to the rules of secrecy / illegality in organisational work, carefully protecting party secrets and values.
13- To fulfil the duties of proletarian internationalism, to fight against the persecution of oppressed nations and nationalities, chauvinism and all forms of nationalism.
d) Rights of the Member
1- In the party committees of which he/she is a member and in the party meetings he/she attends; to express opinions, make suggestions and criticisms about the politics and activities of the party; to actively participate in the determination of party politics.
2- To elect and be elected.
3- To defend oneself in cases of accusation and trial.
4- To consult in writing to all higher levels up to the CC about the problems that he/she cannot solve in the party committee he/she is a member of.
5- To resign from party membership provided that he/she gives his/her reasons in writing or orally.
e) Rights and Duties of the Candidate Member
Party candidate members have all the rights granted to party members, except the right to elect, be elected, recruit, judge and vote for the determination of the party will. The duties of party members also apply to candidate members.
f) Trial and Disciplinary Penalties
1- Members and candidate members who disrupt the unity, do not comply with decisions and discipline, damage the democracy within the party, refuse to accept duties, do not attend the meetings of the committee of which they are a member without a valid excuse, use their authority outside its purpose, discriminate against the party with their behaviour, commit crimes against the public and women, children and LGBTI + in particular, and discriminate are subject to investigation, trial and punishment.
2- The person to be judged is judged in the highest committee where he/she works if there are at least two party members other than himself/herself, or in the next higher committee if there are not. Administrative measures (dismissal from office or freezing their powers, etc.) may be taken against the person or committees on trial.
3- In accusations related to women and LGBTI+ (sexual harassment, rape, violence, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, etc.), the investigation and judgement is carried out by the KKB. TKP-ML accepts the principle of “the woman’s statement is essential, the burden of proof to the contrary belongs to the man” in such investigations.
4- Party committees or members can also apply to the Central Supervisory Board (MDK) with a request for judgement. Rejected requests are notified to the requester in writing together with the reasons.
5- The CEC may establish commissions for investigations, but the judgement is carried out by the CEC. In periods when the MDK is not established, the CC fulfils this duty. All decisions are made by simple majority.
6- After the investigation phase in which information and documents are gathered and statements are taken, the trial starts by directing allegations to the person and requesting his/her defence. The defence can also be made orally. The person is obliged to submit his/her defence within two months at the latest after the accusations are submitted. If the two-month period is exceeded, the right of defence is deemed to have been exercised. If the person is found guilty, one of the following penalties shall be imposed, taking into account the degree of short and long-term damages caused to the party by the offence committed, the sincerity of the person on trial in the face of allegations and criticisms, his/her background in party activity, the circumstances in which the offence was committed and the mitigating and aggravating consequences of other factors:
I- Warning, II- Severe Warning, III- Dismissal, IV- Demotion to Candidate Membership, V- Expulsion.
Expulsion from the party is the most severe penalty.
7- The penalised committee or member can appeal to the MDK, or in its absence, to the CC. The MDK decides whether the penalty decision will be applied until the appeal is finalised. The decisions of the MDK regarding the judgement shall take effect immediately. The MDK is responsible to the congresses and conferences.
Principles of Organisation
TKP-ML; In the age of imperialism and proletarian revolutions, internationalism “the proletariat’s revolution in their own country of the proletariat” based on the basic principle of Turkey’s revolution, accepts a part of the world proletarian revolution. It struggles to rally its members and the whole people under the red banner of the proletariat against all forms of nationalism.
Fights for the unity of the international communist movement on the basis of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles. It is aware that this unity can be achieved through ideological struggle.
Supports the struggles for national and social liberation which weaken and set back imperialism in the international arena.
Although it adopts international proletarian solidarity, it is based on the principle of relying on its own strength.
TKP-ML; It is based on voluntary unity. Accepts illegal organisation as primary and other forms of organisation as secondary. Acts with proletarian discipline functioning according to the principles of democratic centralism. Characterises the principle of criticism-self-criticism as one of the most necessary conditions for its development. Adopts the two-line struggle within the party. Does not allow the existence of factions that disrupt and disintegrate the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist unity of will and action.
TKP-ML unconditionally accepts gender equality and stands against all forms of discrimination, belittling and ignoring women and LGBTI + within the organisation. Taking into account the slavery conditions of women for thousands of years, TKP-ML adopts the principle of positive discrimination in all activities within the Party; As part of this, it implements a 30 per cent quota system in all its committees, especially in its executive bodies.
Based on the fact that the principle of organisation of the TKP-ML is democratic centralism;
a) All central decisions are binding for the whole party. Members are obliged to implement party decisions completely, even if they find them wrong.
b) Members express their views on all issues related to party activity in the committees they serve on and in the meetings they attend. Members can forward their opinions, suggestions and criticisms to a higher committee. Suppressing criticism within the party and blocking criticism with administrative measures is incompatible with the principle of democratic centralism.
c) Only one discipline is valid in the party. As a requirement of this; individuals are subject to the party, lower ranks to higher ranks, minority to majority, the whole party to the CC, the CC to the Congress and Conference.
d) Until the democratic people’s revolution, which is the minimum programme of the party, is realised, only the CC and the MDK come to power through bottom-up democratic elections, since illegal organisation is essential. Other organs are formed by appointment. All members can nominate candidates for the election of the CC and the MDK, and can open a debate by objecting to the nominated candidates.
e) All committees report regularly on their activities to the higher committee. The reports, including objections and opinions, must be approved by all members of the committee.
f) All executive committees of the Party are accountable to their subordinates.
g) All party committees are obliged to create an atmosphere of democratic debate in which members can present their criticisms and suggestions.
Basic Organs of the Party
Party committees are organised according to the cell system and are the basic organs of the party in the masses. Party committees are the collective working organs of the members to achieve their tasks and organise the revolutionary struggle. They are responsible for arming themselves with MLM ideology through regular training and educating themselves to the extent that they can apply communist theory to all areas of life.
Committees consist of at least three members or candidate members. Party committees led by members and candidate members are organised according to the cell system.
Each party committee has a secretary and a deputy secretary. The secretary of the committee is primarily responsible for all work carried out and liaises with the higher committee. The deputy takes over the duties of the committee secretary when he is prevented or absent. The committee secretary is obliged to prepare the deputy for this task.
The party committees ensure that the party takes root in the masses and leads the masses.
Party committees are formed in villages, factories, schools, fascist state institutions; within all mass organisations, especially workers’ and peasants’ organisations; in short, wherever there are masses.
The Party establishes special task cells on the basis of its needs.
Governing Bodies
The governing organs of the Party are the Party Congress, the Party Conference, the Central Committee and the Regional Committees. A quota of 30 per cent women is applied in all executive organs of the Party.
Party Congress
The party congress is the highest body of the party. The congress has the authority to amend the party programme and statute, to determine the party’s periodic policies and tactics, to resolve the party’s ideological, political, military and organisational problems, to evaluate the CC activity report, to elect CC members and substitute members.
The conference has the powers of the congress in matters other than changing the programme.
The party congress (party conference in the absence of a congress) convenes every three years.
The congress convenes under the leadership of the CC, with not less than an absolute majority of the number of delegates. The CC may postpone the congress for a maximum of one year in extraordinary circumstances, with the approval of the party will.
With the will of the Central Committee or one-third of the party members, the Extraordinary Party Congress or Conference may be convened before the expiry of the ordinary three-year period, with a preparation not exceeding six months.
The congress shall be organised by delegate procedure. How many members a delegate will represent is determined by the Central Committee. Delegates are elected at sub-regional congresses or conferences. All party members are obliged to attend sub-congresses.
CC members who cannot be elected as delegates participate in the congress as natural delegates. Only elected delegates have the right to vote. Decisions on programme and statute amendments are taken by two-thirds of the total number of delegates, other decisions are taken by an absolute majority of the total number of delegates.
Members in prisons do not have the right to elect delegates during the congress preparation period, but they have the right to express their opinions on agenda items.
Prisoner party members can be elected as honorary members of the CC.
This position of the blocked CC member is suspended during imprisonment.
b) Central Committee
The CC is the highest body of the party between two congresses or conferences. The number of members is determined by the congress and conference. There is no requirement to be a delegate or to attend the congress and conference for CC membership. The CC leads the ideological-political-organisational work of the party in the light of the decisions of the congress and conference and governs the party. It is primarily responsible for the organisation of the party and all activities.
The CC establishes the organisations needed to carry out the party’s activities, mainly the Political Bureau (SB) and the Organisation Bureau (ÖB). The SB is authorised on behalf of the CC in the period between meetings. It leads the party ideologically-politically. The SB cannot change the decisions of the Central Committee. It directly leads the Central Editorial Organ and other publishing activity. It publishes the Communist, the internal party organ, at least twice a year.
The ÖB is responsible for organisational leadership on behalf of the Central Committee.
When the CC is unable to set up a commission to manage its party-affiliated organisations, it appoints one of the CC members.
The CC meets at least once a year. It can also hold an extraordinary meeting at the call of the SB or at the request of one third of its members. The quorum is determined by an absolute majority of the members of the organ. The participation of substitute members who do not have the right to vote is determined by the SB by taking the opinions of other CC members. Although CC substitute members are not obliged to attend, it is important to ensure their participation since they are candidates to lead the party.
If the CC cannot overcome the loss of will despite the participation of all substitute members in turn, it can recruit one third of the number of full members from the lower organs. After that, if the will problem cannot be overcome or occurs again, the will of the party is applied for the solution method.
After the participation of the substitute members in turn after the blocking of the CC membership, if the condition of re-joining the blocked full member occurs, this member continues his duty as a CC member from where he left off; In this case, the substitute member who becomes a full member continues his duty as a substitute member.
c) Regional Committees
The central organisation of the Party is based on the district system. Areas of work are divided into certain regions, taking into account economic, political and geographical conditions. In the determined regions, the Regional Committee (BK) is established under the CC. The CC has to take into account the opinions and suggestions of the sub-party committees when electing members to the CC, which it forms by appointment. The secretary of the Regional Committee, who is also a member of the Central Committee, provides the link between the Central Committee and the Central Committee. The secretary is primarily responsible for the work in the region. The BK leads the region in line with central policy.
With the knowledge and approval of the CC, the EC establishes party committees such as Sub-District Committees and Provincial Committees.
The Regional Committees, with the approval of the Central Committee when they deem it necessary, organise regional conferences as a means of understanding the party’s policies in the specific problems of the area and as a means of operating the democratic consultation mechanism.
Workers’ and Peasants’ Liberation Army of Turkey (TİKKO)
TİKKO is the armed power of the people under the leadership of TKP-ML. The party manages TİKKO through the Military Commission (AK) under the CC. Party organisations are formed within the TİKKO in accordance with the principle that politics commands weapons.
Marxist Leninist Youth Union of Turkey (TMLGB)
The TMLGB is an autonomous communist youth organisation under the leadership of the TKP-ML. The party leads the TMLGB through the Youth Commission (GK) under the CC.
Communist Women’s Union (KKB)
KKB is an autonomous communist women’s organisation under the leadership of the TKP-ML. The party leads the KKB through the Women’s Commission (KK) under the CC. The Women’s Commission consists of women.
Financial Resources
The TKP-ML adopts the principle of relying on the people to create sources of income. Member dues, party taxes and donations, the rates and amounts of which are determined by the CC, and the revenues obtained by force from the enemy constitute the party’s financial resources. The Central Committee regulates all expenditures and supervises them through its organisations. All party committees must submit regular reports on their income and expenditure.
Members working as party workers give all their income to the party as long as they participate in production. The needs of party workers are met by the party.