TKP-ML IB: We Salute The 22nd Anniversary Of The PLGA, One Of The Cornerstones Of The Indian Revolution!

 We Salute The 22nd Anniversary Of The PLGA, One Of The Cornerstones Of The Indian Revolution!

”Without a people’s army, the people have nothing!” (Mao Zedong)

On behalf of our party TKP-ML and its affiliated People’s Army TİKKO, our youth organization TMLGB and our women’s organization KKB, we greet the 22nd anniversary of the PLGA of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) with our faith and determination for the victory of the People’s War. The foundation of the PLGA on 2 December 2000 was a milestone for the Indian revolution, for as Comrade Mao pointed out, “Without a people’s army, the people have nothing!”

Armed struggle is an issue that remains valid as long as the class struggle continues. It is not possible for armed struggle to lose its validity as long as fascism continues as the main form of organization and administration of the ruling classes, as in many countries as ours. Both our party and our army are conscious of the necessity/obligation of armed struggle. Thus we adopt the People’s War Strategy as the way to reach the People’s Democratic Revolution. The issue of armed struggle or People’s War is one of the main dividing lines between reformism and Marxism. For this reason, Marxism-Maoism-Leninism speaks of “the inevitability of organized coercion-violence” to turn the wheel of history forward. The name of this power is the people’s armies established under the leadership of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties.

When we look at the world in general (not counting some exceptions), there are two ways where the war is progressing. The first type of war is the war that the sovereigns and imperialists are trying to develop, and the other type of war is developed by the communist movement, which takes Maoism as its guide. Maoism played a leading role in helping the working class and the oppressed to develop their own way of fighting. Until today, and today to a large extent, from India to the Philippines, Nepal, Peru, Turkey, and Kurdistan the ones closest to taking power from the bourgeoisie on the line of armed struggle and scaring the imperialists and their local collaborators on the line of armed struggle are the Maoists. People’s War Strategy has proven its adequacy that MLM has become a science of war. This is not accidental. It is the Maoists who will grasp the new forms of warfare, adapt them to the general logic of people’s war, and carry it forward.

Especially in the last 40-50 years, in parallel with the intensification of class contradictions, various forms of uprising and revolt of peoples have been witnessed all over the world. However, none of them achieved as great success as the People’s War practices developed under the leadership of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties. None of them came to a position where the people could seize power. The common features of countries such as Peru, Nepal, India and the Philippines are that they have the leadership of MLM parties and their ability to successfully apply the People’s War Strategy to the realities of the country. As TKP-ML, we can observe this especially in the war practices of our comrades in the New People’s Army led by the Communist Party of the Philippines in the Philippines and the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army in India led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist).

We are eternally convinced that the revolutionary struggle will develop and be victorious in India and in all countries where there are genuine Maoist parties and organizations and where the People’s War is waged. On this occasion, we wish success to the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and greet your Party by emphasizing the importance of international unity and solidarity in the struggle for communism.

We pay our respects before the memory of Comrades Shyam, Mahesh and Murali, CPI(Maoist) Central Committee members, who were killed in cold blood by the police in the Koyyuru forest area of Karimnagar district on December 2, 1999. Our immortalized comrades continue to illuminate our path.

Long Live Proletarian İnternationalism!

Long Live The People’s War!

Long Live Communist Party Of India (Maoist) And People’s Liberation Guerilla Army!

Lal Salam To All Our Comrades Who Were Martyred İn The Communist Struggle!

Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML)

International Bureau

December 2022
