A- Class Roots of Patriarchy
1- The gender problem between the male and female sexes, to the detriment of the female, is the first oppressor-oppressed contradiction and was born as a product of certain relations of production under conditions of the emergence of private property. The origin of the subordination of the female gender dates back to the last stages of primitive communal society.
2- In a primitive communal society, where there is no private property and no classes, and where the law of maternity prevails, there is no social inequality, nor can one speak of gender inequality. In other words, the economic and social position of women is not related to human nature, but to a historical process.
3- The historical defeat of women began with the concentration of surplus-product and the means of production in the hands of men and the emergence of private property. The concrete equivalent of this was the emergence of the heterosexual monogamous family, the end of maternity law and the emergence of the patriarchal social structure. The foundations of this structure lie in the enslavement of women, first in the economic sphere and then, in parallel, in society and the family.
4- This historical process has gradually evolved into a social structure in which women of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and men as well, are oppressed. Along with patriarchy, heterosexism, which assumes that society consists only of two different gender identities and the mutual relationship between these genders, was formed and developed over time.
5- The emergence of private property and classes led to the enslavement not only of the female gender, but of the entire society, both men and women, who were deprived of the means of production. However, the “oppressed” status of women vis-à-vis men in class, sexual and social terms has also brought about the contradiction between men and women. Therefore, “in the relationship between men and women, the woman represents the proletariat, and the man represents the bourgeoisie.”
6- The patriarchal system is a set of mentality and relations that extends from the family, the smallest cell of society, to the state and reproduces itself in all social arrangements and involves the oppression and control of women through their labor and body. The protection of this structure is ensured not only by means of coercion and violence, but also by the consent of women and men, which is produced by the ideological apparatus of the system.
7- Although the patriarchal system has undergone great changes up to the present day, its essence and foundation have remained the same, and as the dominant element of the oppression and suppression of women, it has been intertwined with exploitative systems and has been one of the foundations of these systems.
8- Class societies are based on patriarchy and deepen these relations by establishing complex and deep-rooted links with patriarchal relations. Therefore, the final emancipation of women will only be possible through the complete abolition of class society based on private property and its instrument of oppression, the state.
9- The fact that the final solution to patriarchy and heterosexism lies in communism does not mean that there will be no struggle against this problem today and during the Democratic People’s Power and socialism. On the contrary, it is essential that the women’s and LGBTI+ struggle must be waged uninterruptedly until communism in order to eliminate the formation based on consent produced by the patriarchal-heterosexist system and covering all women and men.
10– Gender roles are one of the means by which the patriarchal system perpetuates its domination over women’s labor, body and identity. Unlike biological sex, gender is defined as the roles socially assigned to the sexes and is organized according to the needs of the ruling classes. The struggle against gender roles is a crucial part of women’s liberation struggle
11- Likewise, while equality between men and women is one of the important demands of the women’s liberation struggle, the basis for the ultimate liberation and freedom of women cannot be reduced to this equality alone.
B- Objectives of the Autonomous Women’s Organization
12- An independent organization and struggle, detached from the class struggle, cannot provide the final liberation even if it achieves gains in favor of women and LGBTI+ people. For this reason, the address of real liberation is the Democratic People’s Revolution under the leadership of the communist party and the struggle for communism without borders-classes-exploitation-gender inequalities.
13- Since the emergence of private property, women have been sexually, class and socially oppressed and relegated to a second position, their world limited by gender roles to work, home and family. In order to ensure that women take part in the class struggle, it is necessary to carry out tailored-specific work. This is possible through the creation of an autonomous women’s organization.
14- Communists can solve problems to the extent that they can create an organization that can carry all the relations and values of the new society to the whole society. The KKB, the autonomous women’s organization within the communist party, is the guarantee of women’s presence within the party and the equality of women and men.
15– Special policies, practices, etc. are needed for women organized within the Communist Party to take on more advanced responsibilities within the party functioning. It is a reality that women, who have thousands of reasons to organize and join the communist struggle, not only have a low level of participation in this struggle, but also their inertia in taking advanced responsibilities after they are organized. In order to reverse this reality, the autonomous organization, where women can make their own decisions in line with the ideological and political line of the communist party to which they are affiliated, make policy, learn to manage, is also a cadre school for women.
C- The Nature of the Communist Women’s Union
16- KKB; is the vanguard organization of working women of Turkish, Kurdish, various nationalities, minorities and beliefs, of all gender identities and sexual orientations, it has organizational autonomy, under the political-ideological leadership of TKP-ML.
17- KKB accepts Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the scientific method that guides all its policies and actions in its struggle for a world without borders-classes-exploitation-gender inequality and heterosexism, where patriarchy will be abolished as a whole.
18- KKB; is a communist women’s organization based on voluntary unity, functioning according to the principles of Democratic Centralism within itself and having a conscious discipline that applies to all its members. It acts according to the understanding of the two-line struggle in order to strengthen its organizational unity. It considers the mechanism of criticism-self-criticism as one of the most necessary conditions for its development. It fights against factionalism and liquidationism, which weaken its strength arising from unity of will and action on the basis of MLM principles.
19- KKB develops appropriate methods to reflect the opinion and will of women who are not directly organized in its organization to the struggle for freedom.
20- KKB; defends the struggle for the Democratic People’s Revolution on the path to the ultimate goal.
21- KKB is a proletarian internationalist organization.
22- KKB does not deny the struggle for reforms, it fights for the expansion of democratic rights. However, it subordinates democratic rights and reforms to the struggle for power and fights against anti-MLM currents.
23- KKB is against all forms of violence against women and LGBTI+ persons. In cases of psychological and sexual violence, it defends and applies the principle of “Declaration is essential, the burden of proof belongs to the perpetrator”.
24- KKB defends the right of women and LGBTI+ persons to self-defense to protect themselves. It accepts that the greatest and most effective self-defense tool of women against the patriarchal system is consciousness and organization.
D- Duties and Responsibilities of the Communist Women’s Union
25- To carry out agitation/propaganda and organizing work on the fact that the cause of the double exploitation of toiler-worker women of all gender identities and sexual orientations who have a direct interest in the revolution is the capitalist-imperialist system as a whole, and that liberation from this system, which is also patriarchal, is only possible through communism.
26- To organize the masses of women and LGBTI + not only on the basis of gender struggle, but within the framework of the fight for the Democratic People’s Revolution program.
27- In order to reach the broad masses of toiler-worker women, to create democratic organizations, to organize the women reached through these organizations in the ranks of the TKP-ML/KKB, to create special orientations and policies in practice for this.
28- To produce policies against the oppression of women in various frameworks such as the institution of the family, education, religion, law, customs/traditions and gender roles in which women are imprisoned under the guise of “sacredness” and to carry out the struggle in a broad area.
29- Developing short or long-term alliances, action unions, etc. in areas of common struggle with anti-fascist, anti-imperialist women’s and LGBTI+ organizations in the country and in the international arena, combining the possibilities of common struggle against patriarchy with the perspective of learning from each other.
30- To wage an ideological struggle against all kinds of bourgeois, reformist, feminist, etc. views. However, in practice, as long as they are not counterrevolutionary with the movements that defend these views, to organize a joint struggle and work.
31- To carry TKP-ML’s central decisions and orientations, campaigns, etc. to the masses by highlighting the intersection points with the women’s and LGBTI + struggle.
32- To determine women and LGBTI+ policies in accordance with the ideological-political line of TKP-ML, to work for the realization of these policies both within and outside the Party.
33- By defending the rights of women and LGBTI + within TKP-ML, to fight against all kinds of violence, discrimination against them, all kinds of thinking, discourse and practice of male domination. For this purpose, organizing activities within the Party.
34- To systematically carry out the ideological-political-organizational-military etc. training of women of all sexual orientations and gender identities organized within KKB; to qualitatively advance their participation in the class struggle by ensuring their leadership-command. To equip women in all aspects of the class struggle. For this purpose, to organize women’s academies/schools and training programs.
35- Forming special organizations for armed struggle against crimes such as femicides, harassment, rape and child abuse.
E- Functioning, Organizational Structure, Principles and Judicial Procedures of the Communist Women’s Union
a) How KKB works:
36- KKB; Under the ideological-political leadership of the TKP-ML, has organizational autonomy; It acts in accordance with Party discipline within its autonomous functioning.
37- KKB; is accountable to the TKP-ML CC-Women’s Commission.
38- Women and queers of all gender identities and sexual orientations who accept KKB’s program and constitution, are subject to its discipline and implement its decisions can become members of KKB. KKB membership can be proposed by a KKB committee, or all organized women can apply for membership.
39- Each person who applies for KKB membership is a Candidate Member for a period of 6 months starting from the date of application if accepted as a Candidate Member. This period may be extended for another 6 months if necessary. Candidate Memberships and Memberships are approved or rejected by the KKB-CC. In the event that the candidate’s membership is not accepted, the decision shall be notified to the candidate in writing together with the reasons, provided that it does not involve any hindrance in terms of security.
40- KKB is a voluntary association. Each member may leave KKB voluntarily by stating their reasons in writing.
41- KKB; All decisions taken by its congress and CC are subject to the approval of the TKP-ML CC. Decisions are deemed finalized after the approval of the TKP-ML CC.
42- In line with the functioning of autonomy, when the TKP-ML CC wants to employ a KKB member within the party, it notifies this request to the KKB-CC. KKB-CC evaluates the situation and makes its decision.
b) Organizational structure of KKB:
43- Leading organs and central organization of KKB:
KKB Leading Organs:
a) KKB Congresses and Conferences,
b) CC of the KKB,
c) KKB Regional Committees.
44- KKB Congress; It is the highest organ of KKB. It convenes every 3 years. The KKB Congress is organized by the KKB-CC. In extraordinary circumstances, the CC may postpone the Congress for a maximum of one year. Extraordinary congresses can be convened at the request of the CC or 1/3 of the members.
Sub-regional congresses are held to organize the congress, discuss congress agendas, prepare activity reports and elect delegates to represent them at the KKB congress.
All KKB members are represented at the congress through democratically elected delegates. CC members are natural members of the congress. The CC determines before the congress how many members will be represented by a delegate. This determination is based on ensuring the participation of as many members as possible under the circumstances.
The CC may organize KKB conferences when it deems it necessary.
During the preparatory period starting with the decision of the Congress and Conference, recruitment and expulsion of members is stopped.
45- The full and substitute members of the KKB-CC are elected at the congress.
The KKB CC is the highest organ between the two congresses of KKB. The CC leads and directs the KKB between the two congresses in the light of the congress decisions. It leads the KKB for the realization of the congress decisions. The CC meets at least twice a year.
In the event that the CC members are prevented, the CC substitute members, starting from the first substitute, shall assume this duty as full members without the need for a new decision.
46- KKB Regional Committees: The central organization of the KKB is based on the regional system. In each region, Regional Committees (RC) are established under the CC of the KKB. RC members are appointed by the CC. The secretary of the RC, who is also a member of the CC, provides the link between the RC and the CC. The RCs are obliged to report regularly to the CC on all their work. RC’s form committees subordinate to themselves.
When they deem it necessary, with the approval of the Central Committee, the RCs organize regional conferences as a means of understanding the party’s policies in terms of the specific problems of the area and as a means of operating the democratic consultation mechanism.
47- The KKB is based on illegal and armed organization.
48- The organizational principle of KKB is Democratic Centralism. According to this:
ı-) The highest leading organ of KKB is the KKB Congress.
ıı-) The KKB-CC is the highest leading organ between the two congresses; its full and substitute members are elected at the KKB Congress.
ııı-) Single discipline applies within the KKB. Accordingly, the individual is subject to the KKB, the minority to the majority, the lower levels to the upper levels, the entire KKB to the CC, and the CC to the Congress or Conference.
ıv-) All KKB committees are obliged to report regularly on their activities to the higher bodies. Reports must be approved by all members of the reporting body. If there are objections and opinions to the decisions taken in the report, they should be indicated.
v-) The internal democracy of the KKB guarantees every KKB member the right to express their opinion on all matters concerning the politics of the KKB, within the KKB organ where they work and at general KKB meetings.
vi-) If a member believes that their criticism has been suppressed or ignored by the KKB body, they may repeat their criticism before a higher organ. Any member is obliged to implement the decision taken by KKB, even if they find it wrong. They can openly defend their opinion about the decision both in the KKB organ where they work and before higher organs. Suppressing criticism within the KKB and blocking criticism with administrative measures is incompatible with the principles of Democratic Centralism.
vıı-) All KKB organs are obliged to create an environment of lively debate and deliberate discipline in which members can criticize. In the election of the leading organs of the KKB, all members participating in the election have the right to object to any candidate nominated, to propose new candidates and to open debate on any candidate.
d) Prosecution and penalties at KKB
49- Members and candidate members, who disrupt the functioning and unity of the KKB, violate the principle of Democratic Centralism, do not attend the committee meetings of which she is a member without a valid reason, does not fulfill the task she assigned to, does not accept tasks, diminishes TKP-ML and KKB in the eyes of the masses and the people; members and candidate members who commit violence against women and LGBTI+, commit homophobic/transphobic/biphobia hate crimes, behave in a manner incompatible with the women and LGBTI+ policies of the KKB, use masculine language are subject to investigation, prosecution and penalties.
50- The person shall be tried by the highest committee of which she is a member. If this committee does not have at least two members other than her, the trial shall be held in the next higher committee. If deemed necessary, administrative measures (such as dismissal or suspension of powers, etc.) may be taken against the person being tried in the judicial process.
51- Trial procedure: After the investigation phase, during which information and documents are gathered and statements are taken, the trial begins with the presentation of charges against the person and the request for the defense. The person on trial must submit his/her defense within two months at the latest after the accusations have been submitted. If the two-month period is exceeded, the right to defense is considered to have been exercised. In the event that the person is found guilty; considering the damage caused to KKB by the crime committed and the self-criticism of the person, the body conducting the trial may impose the following penalties by submitting it to the approval of a higher body:
Warning, severe warning, suspension, dismissal, demotion to candidate membership, expulsion.
Expulsion is the most severe penalty at KKB.
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Turkısh: https://www.tkpml.com/kkb/tuzuk/?swcfpc=1
Almanca: https://www.tkpml.com/programm-und-satzung/?swcfpc=1