Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade: Happy 12th Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution!

Happy 12th Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution!

Congratulations on the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, especially to our martyrs, to the families of the martyrs who gave a piece of their lives to the revolution, to our veterans, to all women and peoples.

When the peoples all over the Middle East lit the fire of revolt against anti-democratic practices, oppression and persecution, we stood up in Syria and demanded a humane life. With the intervention of the imperialists and reactionary states in the region, our revolt was manipulated and a dark gang like ISIS was created. When the darkness of ISIS enveloped the entire Middle East, the security forces of the Syrian regime fled, leaving the people living in the region in the hands of gangs. It was precisely in such a process that the People’s Defense Units organized the resistance of Armenians, Arabs, Kurds, Ashuris and Assyrians around themselves and showed an epic resistance against this darkness. Our immortal Commander Nubar Ozanyan came to Rojava in such a process and started to weave a line that would take us Armenians out of the line of betrayal and surrender and laid the foundations for us to establish our own self-defense force.

Thousands of women like Arin Mirkan and Avesta Xabur, who were immortalized in the war against ISIS, have turned the Revolution into a tool of struggle against the darkest face of patriarchy in our region. The Rojava Revolution is also a revolution that created the possibility for Armenians who were assimilated by forgetting their language, culture and history to return to their roots. After the neutralization of ISIS darkness, the direct invasion attacks of the Turkish state led by Erdogan, who fed and raised these reactionary gangs, began. The villages that we rebuilt after years of struggle were demolished and the trees we planted were uprooted. In addition to the ongoing occupation in Afrin, Serekaniye and Gire Sipi, Ayn Isa, Kobane, Minbiç, Til Temir and other cities are being bombarded. Our people are being forced to migrate through embargoes and border closures, cutting off our water, targeting our infrastructure and energy sources. But despite all this, the resistance of the QSD, of which we are a part as an Armenian self-defense force, continues.

The Turkish State is imposing Pashinyan’s and Barzani’s line of surrender and compromise on all the peoples of the region and on us Armenians. However, as soldiers of Nubar Ozanyan, we do not accept this surrenderist and betrayal line. It is our duty to enlarge the determination of our martyrs who did not succumb to the darkness of ISIS. It is our duty not only to train and equip our existing self-force militarily and politically, but also to ensure the unity and organization of Rojavan Armenians against occupation and betrayal. We take the determination to fulfill these duties from thousands of our immortals, especially Nubar Ozanyan and Oskan Bagirian. We once again celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution by reiterating our promise to defend and advance the revolution.

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade


Şehit Nubar Ozanyan Ermeni Tugayı: Rojava Devriminin 12. Yıl Dönümü Kutlu Olsun!

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