1 year since Lorenzo fell Şehîd
In the face of the ongoing conflict here in NE Syria, the looming threats and the social changes that are developing, we face incredibly challenging questions. We must take a stand in this reality, which we aim to change. We must walk this path as revolutionaries, guided by our principles, ideas, dreams and collective spirit. Taking part in the women’s revolution in Rojava and North East Syria is transforming us as humans and changing how we understand the path of a revolutionary life.
It is now one year that we have been walking that path without you, Lorenzo. Yet our every step is taken with you in our hearts and minds. As a revolutionary you gave all of yourself to the cause of fighting shoulder to shoulder with the people of Syria for a free tomorrow, for developing militancy and challenging individualism, for building an understanding of revolutionary dynamics — of a place and of the acts of a revolutionary in it. You put yourself on the line in the fight for life, struggling and following your heart.
Our comrades who have died in the struggle guide us always in the struggle. It is our memory of them that illuminates our path. In the darkest hour, when all looks grim, we think of you, fallen comrades, and it keeps our spirits high, giving us strength to carry on.
We congratulate and celebrate the living memory of Lorenzo. Trying to be the raindrop of the thunderstorm is what actually gives hope and changes our lives forever.
Ciao Orso.
Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Turkısh: https://www.tkpml.com/tekosina-anarsist-lorenzonun-sehit-dusmesinin-ardindan-bir-yil-gecti/